Larkspur community garden
Slide Show
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Fresh Dirt
Trees / Color Gardens / Roses
Tool Shed
Food Bank
Garden Rules
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Tool Shed
Use equipment and tools owned in common responsibly and treat them with care.
Replace a tool if it breaks when you are using it.
Do not leave tools in your garden.
Return tools clean when done -and to their proper place- Everything is color coordinated.
use sand pit to remove dirt or wash off with water.
Tools are not to be taken home overnight.
The white board in the tool shed is a way for all of us to stay in touch. Please use it for garden-related purposes.
Do not leave used tomato cages, poles, containers, etc... in the tool shed. If unwanted, use the parking lot dumpster..
We always accept extra tools from home. Store them neatly and securely for the safety and convenience of fellow gardeners.